Arnel Duvet

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The Sixth Sense: Your Guide to Success

The Sixth Sense is the last of 13 principles laid out by Napoleon Hill in his book, Think and Grow Rich. All of Hill's principles help guide you to a successful life. In principle 13, Hill straddles the line between the scientifically provable and scientifically possible. To help us understand the idea of The Sixth Sense, Hill states,

“…Intelligence may and will communicate voluntarily, without any effort from, or demands by, the individual. The Sixth Sense is that portion of the subconscious mind which has been referred to as the Creative Imagination. It has also been referred to as the ‘receiving set’ through which ideas, plans, and thoughts flash into the mind. The flashes are sometimes called ‘hunches’ or ‘inspirations.’”

The Sixth Sense and Intuition

We’ve all felt our sixth sense from time to time. We get a sense of what’s going to happen next or start talking and find ourselves saying the perfect thing without really thinking about it.For yourself, think about it this way: Maybe you rolled a set of dice, saw it coming up as double sixes in your mind, and it happened; or you were thinking about calling a friend you hadn’t talked to in years and they suddenly call you out of the blue. This is intuition in its purest form manifesting itself through The Sixth Sense.Those who dismiss the idea of The Sixth Sense call these kinds of happenings coincidence; but when you calculate the odds of intuitive things happening coincidentally, and recognize just how often they happen, you have to believe that something else is going on other than random chaos.You may believe God created the universe and has a sort of balancing energy that you feel subconsciously or call this feeling psychic energy or think it’s a balancing energy acting inside of yourself. Regardless of belief, accessing that energy will help you direct your life toward success.

Tapping into The Sixth Sense

More people would accept the concept of The Sixth Sense if they paused and tuned into it. Moments of intuition are used to make predictions all day. How often do you listen to that intuition versus doing the opposite?Have you ever approached the checkout lines at a supermarket and seen one line with two people and one with four? If so, did something inside of you say to get in the longer line, but then your rational brain told you that the line with only two people made more sense? Fast-forward 10 minutes and all four people in the longer line have been checked-out, but the first person in your line is still there having trouble. Why didn’t you listen to that little voice that told you the line with four people was the correct choice in the first place?

Listen to Your Sixth Sense

Much like most of the principles in Hill’s book, understanding how your Sixth Sense operates and how to unleash its power is a learning process. It may sound silly, but the best way to learn to listen to your Sixth Sense is to stop doing everything else and just listen.


People who regularly practice meditation report being far more receptive to recognizing communication from their Sixth Sense because they spend time in a deeply relaxed state where there are no distractions from the physical world. With this kind of sensory deprivation, the mind focuses on messages being received by The Sixth Sense.During meditation, you will find it easier to understand that The Sixth Sense comes from a place outside of you and is connected to the universal mind — the source of all that is and all that can be. You are a vessel who takes this infinite energy and makes it real. Have faith that the universe is ordered as it should be and is sending you messages. You just have to learn to listen. When you do, you will achieve the kind of success you set out to attain.

Looking for how to tap into your sixth sense and direct your energy toward succeeding the way you want? I can help you. Shoot me an email and let's talk.To catch up on my series about how Napoleon Hill's 13 principles help you live the life you desire, start here: "Fuel Your Desire and Live Your Dream."