Arnel Duvet

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Develop a Winning Attitude

To conquer fear and stay positive during this holiday season, we have to develop a winning attitude, which boosts self-esteem and results in happiness (or at at least being happier).No one enjoys losing and sometimes circumstances seem to be colluding to keep us down. Not being able to afford the basic necessities during the holiday season can be hurtful as can seeing disappointment in the faces of our families.By developing a winning attitude, you’ll recognize that you have tremendous strengths and ability to accomplish almost anything you want, even in the worst of times.

Be Courageous When Tough Times Come

As Winston Churchill put it, “Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it, all others depend.” In the introductory post for this series I mentioned that fear is one of our greatest enemies when it comes to acting on our dreams. Most of the time, we pass on opportunities simply because we fear that we may fail. Sometimes, we don’t follow our dreams because of fear.We must be courageous when life gets tough: You didn’t get the promotion you expected, your spouse got laid off, your children misbehave, or things simply didn’t go how you expected. Overall, courage in the face of adversity is one of the best weapons that will be able to help you.

Develop Strength and Resiliency

We all know problems will come, there is no way around it. However, by developing strength and resiliency, we will come out of every battle with a victorious attitude. As Khalil Gibran stated, “Out of massive suffering emerged the strongest souls; the most massive character is seared with scars.”

Failure is Never an Option

During this holiday season, I want you to know that failure is not an option. When you’ve tried everything and there seems to be no other way, don’t be like many people by throwing the towel. Winners never give up, they always think of the next step. It doesn’t matter how hard things get, or impossible they may seem, there is always a way out.With a “failure is not an option” attitude, you program yourself not to accept your bad situation as something that cannot be resolved. Remember: Winners use their resources, they do research on how to solve problems, and they always give 100% of themselves. With such a winning attitude and a positive plan, expect your Christmas to be great. Visualize it’s going to be the best ever and then live that truth.