Arnel Duvet

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Boost Your Confidence: Find The Right Career Coach

Step one to making any change in your life is to boost your self-confidence. You must believe that you are capable of anything to move forward and pursue your dreams — because you are the most important person in driving your ship of change. Nobody else can make the decisions to carry out your change in the way you want it to happen. That’s on your shoulders.

Working with a career coach is one crucial relationship that will help you boost your confidence and figure out a direction to emphasize. Imagine a professional athlete trying to build their skills without a coach, or a musician who doesn’t have somebody providing them with lessons. Where would a chef be without the mentor who wrote a world-class recipe? How would a child learn to spell or do math without a schoolteacher?

What to Look for in a Coach

Much like any person who is going to guide you, a career coach and client need to have a relationship that clicks. As a career coach myself, I don’t want to work with someone who doesn’t genuinely want to improve their lives or isn’t willing to do the hard work. I also don’t want someone to work with me if they think that I’m not the coach to guide them. It’s like with any professional: if you don’t like your doctor, dentist or therapist, you find a new one. I have been fortunate with those I’ve counseled, but if you’re unsure of what you’re looking for, here are a few tips to help you find a career coach who is right for you:

  1. Figure out what you want before you show up. 

Not everybody is looking for a radical change. Some people want to find a better career fit. Others are looking to advance in their current career. Some want to start their own business. You don’t need specifics, but having a general idea where you want to go will help speed up the process.

2. Career Coaches genuinely want to help you.

A quality career coach will spend the extra time, at no charge, to find helpful articles, websites, and other resources because they’re there for you. While coaches do have to keep to a schedule, they go out of their way to accommodate yours. Why? At their core, they are about helping you, not just collecting a check.

3. Understand a coach’s background.

Find out if your prospective coach has a varied professional background of experience they can call on in different situations? Somebody who started as a coach straight out of high school or college and has remained one for 25 years may not have that much real-world experience.

4. Find out a coach’s overall plan.  

Every client is different, but your relationship with your career coach should not continue for the rest of your life. You and your coach should have a plan for the beginning, middle, and end of your time with them. While specific details and timelines will vary, you want someone who isn’t dragging things out to keep their schedule full.

Your Future is As Bright as You Want It to Be

Once you find the right coach, you’ll naturally find your confidence starting to rise. You finally have a co-pilot helping you navigate the road and someone who can help you on those days when doubt creeps in. 

When you’re getting the right advice from the right coach, you’re going to feel like your future is an eight-lane superhighway just waiting for you to cruise down to whatever lies ahead. As long as you’re willing to change, develop confidence, and act, nothing can slow you down.