Proven Ways to Get Healthier and Happier

Somebody once said that “healthy equals happy.” On the surface, that seems too easy to believe, but scientists have been proving it's true for decades.

Think about it. When you’re feeling sad, how does your body feel?

Your mental state has a direct connection to how you’re doing physically. If you can keep your mental health in a good place, you’ll feel better physically. The same can be said for the other way around.

A healthy body promotes a healthier, happier mind.

So let the following statement be your motto:

Get healthier by getting happier; get happier by getting healthier!

Here are some ways to help you do just that.

1. Move It.

Perhaps the idea of putting in enough effort to work up a sweat doesn’t make you happy, but the endorphins that are released during exercise will. If you find a bad mood coming on, take a brisk 15-minute walk. You’ll get your blood flowing and have some time to think.

2. Learn A Little.

Your body releases endorphins when you are learning something new, especially if you enjoy the subject. It makes sense when you think about it. Your body responds to learning the same way it does when you're pushing it physically. Mental workouts just involve a lot less sweat!

3. Naps Are OK.

If you have time for a 20-minute (not two-hour) nap in the middle of the day, take the opportunity to recharge. You don’t want to enter a deep REM-sleep cycle, but you do want to limit yourself to under 30 minutes. Sleep has an equal effect on both your mental and physical health, so don’t deny your body the rest it needs.


4. Smell Citrus.

When you’re looking to kick-start the chemicals in your brain, forget about smelling the roses. Research has proven citrus scents, such as lemon, orange, lime, and grapefruit, create a chemical reaction that promotes happiness. If you don’t want to be the guy with the bowl of fruit on your desk, a dab of essential oil does the trick.

5. Music is Medicine.

Anything that releases small amounts of dopamine will help turn a frown into a smile, and there are few things proven to release dopamine better than music. Think about it. You may detest certain genres, but you have probably never met anybody that just flat-out didn’t like music? Music also has a memory-triggering effect, bringing into your life nostalgic recollections of happier times. Good memories will make you happy, and the happier you are, the healthier you will be.

6. Keeping it Light.

Light therapy will do wonders for your mood. The natural stuff is the best, so if you’re in a space with the curtains drawn, open them up. Take a few minutes and go outside! If you can’t get to the real thing, consider purchasing yourself a light box, especially during the times of year when there isn’t as much daylight.


7. Man’s Best Friend.

If you’re going home to a lonely house at night, why not get a cat or a dog? Pets have long been proven to make people happy by releasing a host of chemicals like oxytocin and serotonin. For more information on this effect, please read the following article: "Dogs Release Same "Love Chemical" As Humans, So The Feeling Is Probably Mutual."

If you can’t have a furry friend, dial up the human kind. While you should avoid those folks who bother you, spending time with people you admire or love helps reduce stress in most cases.

Let’s Recap

If you haven’t read all four blogs in this series, I urge you to go back over the last several weeks and read the ones about writing a personal mission statement, time management, and goal setting. Each of these activities, along with what I’ve mentioned in today’s blog, contribute to your overall health.

Three Important Takeaways

  • Health is not just how you feel on the outside.

  • Self-discipline is key to all facets of your health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

  • You must develop a plan for how to assert self-discipline in a way that guarantees success—or figure out a way to develop one with a coach or mentor.

As always, I look forward to your comments and would love to hear how you exercise self-discipline in your everyday life.