4 Ways to Make Monday Less Like…Monday

When you get out of work on a Friday afternoon, and you’re looking forward to a great weekend, isn’t it amazing how far away Monday seems? Then sooner than you think, Sunday night comes like an unwanted solicitor knocking at your door. And guess what?It’s Monday again.So—I’m releasing this blog on Mondays because everyone, even the self-motivated, needs encouragement on Monday. I also think a lot of us can use a little extra push as we begin our march toward the next weekend.

The Monday and Friday Slump

Did you know that Monday is the most productive office day for top performers? For under performers, it's the least productive day second to Friday, probably because their minds are on the upcoming weekend rather than on their jobs.Yet—even those who are productive on Monday report that they hate the first day of the work week the most.It seems like it should be obvious that if you start your Monday right, you’ll be well on your way to a successful and productive week—but not everyone gets off to a great start.Here are several things you can do to not only make Monday more productive but also dread it less as you head into the office after the weekend.

  1. Start freshMany people treat Monday as a catch-up day to get work done from the end of the previous week. If you’re not feeling it on Friday in those last few hours of the workweek, you can either push it off…or get it done and come into Monday with a clean slate. Come in and tackle new projects instead of mopping up what you left behind on Friday afternoon

  2. Make the most of the first part of the dayDo you start your Mondays by coming into the office, spending 15 minutes making chit-chat, and then start responding to old emails? What if you tackled the most challenging part of your day first? Like most work days, there is probably a natural slowdown in the second half of your day after lunch. Use this time to catch up with the weekend exploits of co-workers instead.When you arrive at your office, start work straight away, and you’ll be surprised how much more you get done and how your mindset greatly improves.

  3. Brighten up your work spaceWhat does your work space look like? Does it inspire you—give you energy? Or are you surrounded by the cold, empty colors of technology black and cubicle gray—or the lonely feel of an impersonalized work atmosphere? How about adding a plant on your desk or a colorful coffee mug? If you’re allowed to put up pictures of your loved ones, do it. Anything you can do to make your work area more inviting, cozy, and colorful will go a long way to helping you keep a good outlook as you start your day.

  4. Take productive breaksGetting out of your chair to go sit in an empty break room and sip on lukewarm coffee is not going to help you return to work in a better mood or with a clearer mind. Skip the fatty snacks and drinks and give your partner a call; get some fresh air by taking a quick walk around your building or catch up on a few pages of the book you’re reading.Keep your mind engaged with some level of energy building activity during your breaks, and you’ll find you don’t return to your desk depleted.

I hope these ideas help make your Monday better. If you have more motivational ideas for this dreaded day, I’d love to hear them and share them in a later article. Together we can conquer Monday!