Success Comes From Within – and With the Help of Others


Thankfully, there are plenty of other people like you out there: People who know they are destined for more professionally, but just need that little boost to pull things together and get to the next level. Deciding to follow your calling is one of the most courageous things you can do with your life, but then being successful at it is a different thing.

Not only are there people like you, but there are people who have been successful, radiate positive energy and vibes and are exactly the kind of person you should want to strive to be like. These are the people to surround yourself with. These are the people who, instead of trying to hold you down at their level are going to lift you up to where they currently reside - physically, mentally and spiritually. 

You’re not going to believe how much easier it is to become successful, but to truly live the life you want when you’re being pushed forward, not pulled backward by the naysayers. 

There are three kinds of relationships you can have with other successful people that can help on your journey. 

Networking: These are your acquaintances, casual friends and those you’ve yet to meet. You don’t have to know this group well, but you should ask yourself how they can play a role in your success. What assets do they have that you can leverage and vice versa? Take as many opportunities as you can to grow your circle of acquaintances and friends. This does not mean every person has to know your life story. It just means that you never know when a relationship with someone will prove to be important. 

Mastermind: This is a group of people – usually 5-to-10 – you meet with on a regularly basis who have a similar goal as you. For instance, it could be a group of small business owners, or a group of people in your age group or gender who are all trying to climb the corporate ladder. These groups can easily be found online and are sometimes the best places to feel like you’re not the only person in the world trying to make something of yourself. 

Mentors: These are the teachers. They are the ones who have “made it” and can show you the ropes. Whatever your strategy or path to success, however you define it, they traveled a similar one and can warn you of potential hazards and provide valuable feedback. They’ll not only help you become the best you, but they’ll be an informed cheerleader, who can give you that wise nudge and that informed pat-on-the-back when you need it.

Tapping into your soft assets

YOUR most valuable assets are the soft ones. I call them soft assets because they aren’t tangible, like your bank account or anything you own, but they are more a combination of facets of your personality and speak to who you are at the core. 

When it comes down to making judgement on others, I believe these soft assets are often the areas that most people will remember. 

Are you someone who always keeps their word and is loyal? Do you always exceed your promises? Are you the first to arrive and the last to leave and do you always give 110% regardless of the task at hand? Almost as importantly, do other people see you doing this and respect you for it?  What conclusions do they draw about you?

These are a few of YOUR most valuable soft assets: 

YOUR Reputation YOUR Effort

YOUR Time YOUR Energy

YOUR Opinion YOUR Attention

It’s ironic, as we can only control these things to a degree yet I firmly believe it’s these soft assets upon how we are judged. These valuable assets are not to be given away in haste. Treat them like gold as they are worth so much more than most people understand.