There Are Many Who Want to Help You Succeed Professionally


In the last blog I posted, I shared some statistics about how more people than ever are either choosing to remain out of the workplace, have decided to work from home, or are changing their jobs to provide them with a better work-life balance. The obvious catalyst is the COVID-19 pandemic that forced most of us to stay home for the better part of a year, but if you look at some of the statistics I’ve shared in my blogs through the years, the idea of not being satisfied with your professional life is hardly new, especially for those in the medical field.

The irony is that as I write this in early July 2021, America’s unemployment rate is high, yet the number of people voluntarily leaving their jobs has never been higher. As I mentioned in the last blog, in April 2021 alone, over 4 million people left the workplace.

Even if somebody has decided to simply take government unemployment payments and they run out, it doesn’t mean that they are going to return to the job they left in 2020. While the pandemic caused a tremendous amount of international upheaval in almost every system, industry and way of life we knew, it also changed the perspectives of a lot of people when it comes to their professional lives.

Ironically, it probably came at the perfect time for me. I was already looking at an exit strategy from my job as a Public Health Officer with the US Navy when the pandemic hit. It certainly played a role in me knowing that it was time to move on to something else. I admire those people who can stay in the same job their whole lives, whether it’s fulfilling or not. I couldn’t do it and I know most people can’t.

My plan was to transition into a career development coach. Not only did I have a great experience with a coach who showed me that helping people is my core ambition, but I found such a sense of purpose when I was able to mentor mostly young individuals who are either out of high school or about to graduate from high-school. Many came from rough households and didn’t have a shot at a decent life post-high school. After spending time with me and hearing my story of being a Haitian immigrant who came to America with limited English and becoming an officer in the Navy with a wife, two kids and my citizenship, I think it inspired them to recognize that they could do anything they wanted.

How can anybody not love helping others like that? When I realized the only reason I wanted to go to work anymore was to help people see a better future, it was very clear that I was pursuing future planning with others so I didn’t have to do it with myself. It’s funny how willing we are to solve other people’s problems, but we don’t want to address our own.

For some, working from home was a wonderful, life-changing experience that helped them reprioritize what was important in life. They don’t want to return to the way things once were. For others, being at home was like a prison, but when it came time to be released, their professional motivation and ambition had evolved, and they didn’t want to be at the job they thought they loved in 2019.

People change. That’s OK. It’s actually healthier than not changing. But you can’t just want it in your head and leave it at that. You have to go for it, or you’ll be left with regret. The challenge for so many is that they want something new, but aren’t sure what that means. That’s when I go to work. If it’s time for a change, I hope you’ll start considering a career development coach. Even if it’s not me, it’s amazing what a trained professional can do to get you on the right track. There’s no excuse to stay in a rut or do what you’ve always done because you can’t think of the next thing yet. A much better life is waiting.

If you’ve been considering talking to a career development coach but feel like you may be seen as a black sheep or stick out like a sore thumb, I promise you that you’re losing valuable time. There’s a proper track and a place for you out there. The real question is if you want it enough to talk to somebody like me who knows how to help.

But before you talk to me, prove it to yourself. Check out and take the career satisfaction quiz. Don’t tell yourself you’re just having yet another bad day. Maybe it’s time to consider making a change. Take this quiz and we’ll calculate your score and let you know if you’re satisfied where you are or if it’s time to follow your destiny.