Triumphing Over Adversity

Triumphing Over Adversity

We need to have a mindset that while adversity will come, we will triumph over it. I approach this topic like someone in the military going to war, knowing that there will be attacks from the enemy. We must have a battle plan to triumph over such adversity.Famed author Napoleon Hill once stated, “Before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat, and perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of men would do.” The quote is self-explanatory.We should develop a mindset of the one percent.Whenever you face with great adversity, you should ask yourself, what would the 1% do? In other words, you already know what a great majority would do; but as the 1%, you should make the difference.

Develop a Winning Attitude

Develop a Winning Attitude

To conquer fear and stay positive during this holiday season, we have to develop a winning attitude, which boosts self-esteem and results in happiness (or at at least being happier).No one enjoys losing and sometimes circumstances seem to be colluding to keep us down. Not being able to afford the basic necessities during the holiday season can be hurtful as can seeing disappointment in the faces of our families.By developing a winning attitude, you’ll recognize that you have tremendous strengths and ability to accomplish almost anything you want, even in the worst of times.

George H.W. Bush: Lessons in Civility from A Man of Honor

George H.W. Bush: Lessons in Civility from A Man of Honor

First John McCain and now George H.W. Bush. It seems like 2018 has taken its fair share of men who exemplified what it meant to be a statesman and a patriot. I’d like to take a moment today to briefly remember a man who, regardless of political affiliation, was someone who every public servant should strive to emulate.His record of service reads like few others: President and Vice President of the United States, Director of the CIA, Ambassador to the UN, Member of the House of Representatives, and Lieutenant in the United States Navy. While it is not a given that a former President lays in state at the Capitol, if ever there was a list of accomplishments befitting someone that honor, it would be George H.W. Bush.

Goodbye to Fear: Time to Think Positive

Goodbye to Fear: Time to Think Positive

What is fear? After searching several books and dictionaries, I found that fear is defined as a “feeling of agitation or apprehension, in response to a real or imagined threat.”In our society, most of the time we become ill not because there’s anything wrong with our body but because of the added stress caused by fear. I think it is very appropriate to touch on the subject as we are in the holiday season.

Financial Self-Discipline

Financial Self-Discipline

Many of us have struggled with financial issues. It’s not like we don’t know what to do; it’s just hard to do it.Welcome to Part 4, and the final blog in my series on self-discipline.We know we need to save at least 10% of our earnings and we know we need to invest, yet we don’t do it. We also know we shouldn’t spend what we don’t have, and yet, we do it anyway.As we get closer to December, it means the majority of us will go into debt by purchasing things we don’t need.Will Rogers, American humorist, actor, and writer put it this way:

Practicing Gratitude on Thanksgiving

Practicing Gratitude on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a traditional American holiday and a time to practice gratitude for all we have received throughout the year.

The roots of our modern-day celebration can be traced back 397 years when the English colonists – better known as the Pilgrims – settled in Massachusetts. They invited their Wampanoag Tribe neighbors to celebrate their first successful harvest with several days of gratitude and feasting.

Self-Discipline, Relationships, and Sexual Desire

Self-Discipline, Relationships, and Sexual Desire

A lack of self-discipline is one of the easiest ways for a leader to lose credibility and become involved in a sex scandal.

We’re all too familiar with multiple scenarios that have happened over the years. For instance, situations where athletes, business owners, high ranking military officers, and political leaders showed a serious lack of self-discipline that led to a less than desirable outcome.

All these individuals have one thing in common—they had not gained mastery over their sex lives.