Mistakes Are OK: Not Learning from Them Isn’t

Mistakes Are OK: Not Learning from Them Isn’t

Learning from mistakes is easy to say but not necessarily to do. So let's recap.In the first two posts of my four-part series on taking responsibility for what happens in your life, we examined the concepts of excuse-making, blaming others, and complaining and forgiveness.I’m writing this series with the idea that taking full responsibility leads to a happier and productive life. The concepts covered in the previous blogs will certainly help, but unless we learn from our past mistakes and don’t repeat them, we’ll just find ourselves on a treadmill, running in place and never making any real gains.In the last blog, I talked about a friend of mine who complained about his college situation. Today, I’d like to tell you about my time in college.

Complaining: The Opposite of Taking Responsibility

Complaining: The Opposite of Taking Responsibility

Complaining. Nobody likes it.Welcome to the second blog in my four-part series on taking full responsibility for what happens in your life. I’d like to start with a short story today, about a friend of mine who I attended junior college in Florida.He wasn’t rich, but his family didn’t struggle like some. While a nice guy, he gave off a little sense of entitlement, especially when he complained about his father not paying for his education. He grumbled about this all the time, to the point that I felt like I needed to discuss it with him because I saw things from a different perspective.

4 Ways to Make Monday Less Like…Monday

4 Ways to Make Monday Less Like…Monday

When you get out of work on a Friday afternoon, and you’re looking forward to a great weekend, isn’t it amazing how far away Monday seems? Then sooner than you think, Sunday night comes like an unwanted solicitor knocking at your door. And guess what?It’s Monday again.So—I’m releasing this blog on Mondays because everyone, even the self-motivated, needs encouragement on Monday. I also think a lot of us can use a little extra push as we begin our march toward the next weekend.

John McCain: A Hero’s Funeral Gives Us All A Chance

John McCain: A Hero’s Funeral Gives Us All A Chance

Senator John McCain.In what seems to be an ever-growing divide in our political climate, I am a little bit hopeful that the lessons we as Americans are reviewing in the wake this hero's death might bring us closer together.His funeral will feature speeches by former presidents George W. Bush and Barrack Obama, apparently, at McCain’s request. Asking the men who defeated him for the Office of President to speak at his funeral is typical behavior of McCain – a man of integrity, valor, ideas, and honor. While 99.999% of us will never rise to his prominence, we can learn great lessons from both his life and death. If there were one word to describe McCain above all others, it’s perseverance.

Welcome to my Blog...

Are you a person, age 20 to 40, in a less than optimal situation, struggling to find purpose in life?

I provide support to people just like you.

I can help you target your dreams into achievable goals that better your life and improve your personal and professional success.

How do I do that?

  1. We work together as a team to develop your path to success. I do this by offering one-on-one coaching with specific guidance and pointers on what might work best for you—and then you decide what areas to focus on while moving forward in your personal development.
  2. The articles and blogs I write include suggestions to help you persevere through your change and stay inspired on your journey toward a successful, happy life.

Other things I offer.

  • group talks
  • corporate lectures
  • lesson materials

All in all, I feel that there are certain things that worked for me and will work for you as well when it comes to personal success.

And I’d like to share them with you.

Where to Start

A good place to start considering your purpose in life is by thinking about questions like these:

  • What is your greatest motivation?
  • If you were to make a list of what motivates you, how many things could you come up with before thinking of more started to get difficult?

If you find you need to tap into a better understanding of motivation, take a look at the following quote.

“I can personally tell you that a man who is motivated is capable of five times that of a man who can’t find motivation.”

—Arnel Duvet

Does this quote inspire you? Can you find the motivational message in it that might help yourself or someone else?

Now is the time to start thinking about the things that are most important in your life.

  • What could you let go and live without?
  • What is truly important and at the heart of your being?

When talking about personal growth, it’s crucial to know who you’re looking at in the mirror every morning.

  • And only you can answer these questions.
  • But I can help you successfully achieve and keep hold of what is most important to you.

My Goal for You

Before I conclude, I want to stress that I’m looking for a sense of community here. I sincerely believe that we are all better when we work together. To that end, I’d like to welcome anybody who is interested in writing a guest blog or sharing their opinion to feel absolute welcome.

The best results come from teamwork, and I consider all of you reading this blog part of my team—part of our team.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope this is the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship.

If you’d like to talk with me about how to find your purpose in life, how to reach your goals and realize your ultimate lifestyle, please click below. Once we've scheduled your consultation, you can bring the answers to the questions above to our first meeting, and we'll begin.

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