Do You Have A Calling or Career or Both?

Do You Have A Calling or Career or Both?

A “calling” is not some kind of abstract agreement with the universe to stay in a job or career that you no longer love just because it pays well. When you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, it’s time to find what is calling you to break free. However, before you can discover how to harness the change and ride into your new life, you must first understand that a calling is not only a job or a career; but, it can materialize as both.

Follow Your Path to Personal Success

Follow Your Path to Personal Success

When it comes to professional success, people only need to have one of two goals: to make money or make a difference. Some people do both; however, plenty of self-confident people brimming with high self-esteem have never had a chance at professional success. For one reason or another — and often from no fault of their own — the opportunities and milestones do not present themselves. Regardless, everyone can strive to have more control over their personal success.

Don’t Let Fear of Failure Kill Your Dreams

Don’t Let Fear of Failure Kill Your Dreams

How many times have you tried something and said to yourself, “I have no natural talent for this — onto the next thing,” and abandoned whatever you were doing? Sometimes it’s not a big deal. Perhaps you don’t have an aptitude for golf, cooking or understanding 19th century literature. But — maybe you had a great idea that didn’t catch on or you felt you had a talent for something that didn’t work out, and you let those failures stop you from trying again? If so, you’re like most people. However, those who end up successful don’t see their failures as the end; they see each one as the dead end of a road. They know they just need to back-up, turn around and try another route.

Money Is Not The Answer

Money Is Not The Answer

I have worked with people who made the kind of money in a year that it would take me a decade to realize. These people aren’t trust-fund babies or those who married well; they became wealthy through their careers. Their buying power ranks them at the top with those few whose capacities to get loans and an almost endless supply of credit suggests complete life fulfillment. When it comes to problems that money solves, they buy solutions. There is little they can’t have in this world.

Napoleon Hill’s 13 Principles for Success: A Review

Napoleon Hill’s 13 Principles for Success: A Review

Phew…reviewing Hill’s 13 principles to help guide you to a successful life was the longest blog series presented on this site. Spending the summer examining the 13 principles was worth the 15 weeks devoted to it don’t you think? If you have no idea what I’m talking about, I hope you’ll go back to the first blog at the beginning of the series, “Fuel Your Desire and Live Your Dream“. If you prefer to move forward into a recap of Hill’s principles, take a look at the summary below for why each is crucial to turning your mindset and life around to be the success you were born to be.