Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Help You Succeed

This week, we examine the power of the subconscious mind, which is also the 11th principle detailed in Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich. The subconscious mind is something many people don’t understand. However, if you can learn to harness even a basic knowledge of how it works, it will help you immensely as you strive to become successful and make your life all it can be.

What Is the Subconscious Mind?

The most basic definition of the subconscious mind is that it’s the place in the brain used to store and retrieve all information and ensure your body follows the way you are “programmed” to behave. This is why so many people believe in repeating positive affirmations, plastering motivational posters at home and work, and reading books of quotes. Theoretically, with enough recitation, these ideas move from your conscious memory into the overall subconscious programming that operates your life.Here’s a simple way to understand it:The first time you hear a new song, you recognize it as new; but you may not immediately like it. The next few times you hear the same song, you recognize it and likely pick up more of the melody, lyrics or both. Eventually, you remember enough to sing along when you hear it on the radio. In some instances, you'll find yourself singing the song over and over involuntarily; it gets stuck in your head and feels beyond your control. When you can't get the lyrics and the tune out of your head, it becomes part of your programming. You probably have many songs from your teenage years that you still surprisingly remember the lyrics to when you hear the melodies.

What Does Your Subconscious Do While You're Thinking?

The subconscious mind stores every experience, thought and word you’ve ever uttered. Motivational speaker Brian Tracy believes that by the time you reach age 21, you’ve already stored more than 100 times the content of an entire encyclopedia. It’s also been said the subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind.Essentially, your brain is a supercomputer. Unfortunately, recall is left to the conscious mind, which is less than perfect. You can see the amazing memory of the subconscious mind when it is tapped through hypnosis. It’s also why so few remember being hypnotized because it works on a level much deeper than the conscious mind.Here are some other jobs the subconscious mind performs:

  • It regulates your breathing, heart rate and nervous system. This is known as the homeostatic tendency.

  • Your fight-or-flight/comfort zone reflex is a direct result of the subconscious mind. It wants us to maintain normalcy, but it is also what sends some people into burning buildings to perform heroic acts.

  • Nonphysical sensations, such as fear or love are manifested in the subconscious mind, which explains why we are sometimes attracted or repulsed and cannot explain why — or why we sometimes self-sabotage without realizing it.

  • It works as the storehouse for your habits of thinking and acting. This explains why addicts have a hard time overcoming their addictions. They are held captive by their subconscious minds.

How Do You Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind? 

It is possible to change the subconscious mind, but even the great thinkers of our time don’t all agree on the exact steps for how to do it. The disagreements for how to harness the power of the subconscious mind happen because no two people think alike; however, you can make the necessary changes to become successful without having to consciously think about how to achieve the kind of success you want.Most reprogramming plans involve the following process:You must understand what you want to be changed. Whether it’s a habit, a belief or an idea, you need to focus on what it would take to achieve it. For example, let’s say you want a better job.1. Spend some time in deep thought figuring out what the subconscious pattern is that stops you. Maybe you recognize that you get too nervous in interviews and come off sounding much less confident and not nearly as smart as you are.2. Focus on the future by imagining what it will feel like to conquer this problem. Get deep into relaxation and imagine a positive outcome. Can you hear the compliments on getting the new job? Can you see your new office? What does the fresh coat of paint in there smell like?3. Establish methods to overcome the subconscious block. Perhaps taking a public speaking class or buying a book about interviewing are your two best choices.4. As you utilize these methods, notice the importance of repetition and recitation. If you learn three tricks for talking in front of a superior without anxiety, repeat those tricks over and over.5. Meditate and contemplate on both the methods and the reward. When you can focus on marrying a new method to a new reward, it should eventually take root in your subconscious. If it doesn't happen, you must return to figuring out the subconscious pattern stopping you.

If you’re having trouble with reprogramming, drop me a line. One of the main areas a good life coach can help you with is making the connections needed to shed old, ingrained behaviors and create new, healthy habits. I’d love to help you achieve your best self.To catch up on my series about how Napoleon Hill's 13 principles help you live the life you desire, start here: "Fuel Your Desire and Live Your Dream."