Transmutation: Think Your Way to Success

This week's blog is about transmutation and is number 10 of 13 principles covered in Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow RichWhereas the ninth principle — Power of the Mastermind — involves surrounding yourself with positive people to manifest positive, creative energy, transmutation deals specifically with energy and vibration. When you become aware of how transmutation works, you will understand how it affects your level of success.

Transmutation Defined

Transmutation essentially means that energy attracts like energy. As a result, all energy — even thoughts — will eventually exist in the physical form. Thus, negative thoughts create negative energy that results in a negative physical condition, and vice-versa for positive thoughts.Even though Hill wrote about transmutation nearly 80 years ago, many scientists who understand energy and how vibrations work still don't believe in the tangible outcomes of negative and positive energy. That’s OK because science hasn’t quantified a lot of things that common sense tells you exist.

Keeping Your Thinking in Line

Hill explains transmutation as a law of the universe and emphasizes that the universe doesn’t judge or attach morality to your thoughts. It doesn’t favor one race, religion or gender, just as gravity doesn’t.To fully understand how transmutation works, it’s important also to recognize the different kinds of thinking that exist.

1. Conscious Thinking

You can control conscious thought. An example of this type of thinking is, “I want to be rich.”

2. Unconscious Thinking

Unconscious thought is impossible to control. Scenarios from it enter your dreams at night.

3. Meandering Thinking

Meandering thought falls in between conscious and unconscious thinking and where you have to be careful. It happens when you daydream or during the many fleeting thoughts you have throughout the day. Within your daydreams, you can wreck any transmutation that may happen.For example, let’s say you firmly believe you want to be rich; but deep down in your meandering thoughts, you also believe that it will be too hard for you to make your fortune. Those thoughts are in opposition. So what happens? Nothing. The thoughts cancel each other out.Hill believed that thoughts have to remain consistent for transmutation to happen, whether it’s positive or negative.

Making Transmutation Work for You

With literally thousands of thoughts racing through our minds, the transmutation of energy only responds to the strongest, most dominant thoughts. Here’s a good example:You decide that you’re hungry and you want to go out to eat, so you think of various kinds of food. I bet the conversation in your head goes something like this:

  1. “Do I want Mexican? Maybe.

  2. Do I want steak? Maybe.

  3. Do I want pasta? That sounds great!

  4. Do I want McDonald’s? No, but the pasta seems good.

  5. Do I want pizza? It’s OK, but I’m really feeling like pasta now!”

Odds are, you go get pasta because it has become the dominant thought. Your thoughts have transmuted into a physical condition.Some people have attached many small rules to the idea of transmutation, although depending on the source, they vary. Most who subscribe to agree you need to think many more positive thoughts than negative ones to see things happen but disagree on the ratio. Others believe you have to hold a thought in your head consciously for a specific amount of time (usually anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds) for it to take root and create similar thoughts.People can quibble over small details, but transmutation is real. If you’re able to move your thoughts in more of a positive direction, you’ll see results sooner than you may believe.I work with others to understand how transmutation works and help them target their thinking toward positive, successful outcomes. If you're looking to harness your energy to move in a positive direction, I’d be happy to help you. Just send me an email, and I'll be in touch.

To catch up on my series about how Napoleon Hill's 13 principles help you live the life you desire, start here: "Fuel Your Desire and Live Your Dream."