Have A Holiday Calling Year-Round

Let’s consider this time of year. Most of us gather with family and friends in late November to celebrate holidays through Christmas. Then, we finish it all off by welcoming in the new year at the stroke of midnight on January 1.

During this time of year, most of us seem to have a common calling or a need to be filled with good will. The clients I work with during the holiday season feel this way, too, even when they aren’t completely sure about their personal calling. They know that at the root of their calling is the need to help make the world a better place. That’s one of the great tendencies of people that often gets overlooked and is mostly on display this time of year. Ultimately, people want the world to be a place of peace and harmony, where everyone gets along, so why not have this holiday calling year round?

I’m sure some people struggle to feel this pull toward doing positive things; however, the majority of us make that extra effort this time of year to be a little nicer and give a little more of ourselves. Whether we volunteer to serve at a soup kitchen or give money to buy other people presents, our calling is about giving our time and resources to others.

Do You Pay it Forward?

Now, for just a moment, forget this time of year. Pretend it’s May or June. You’re driving down a very busy street and see that somebody wants to merge into traffic, but nobody is letting them. Honestly, you don’t usually let them either.

If you’re on a bus or subway, do you immediately give your seat up to someone who is older or not as mobile as you? If you’re truthful, the answer is not yes or immediately or not often.

Could you ever imagine going through a $1 toll booth and giving the attendant $5 and telling him to pay for the next four people in line after you? How about dropping $5 extra when you’re picking up your fast food at the drive-thru and telling the cashier to use it toward the next person’s meal?

Not doing any of this doesn’t mean you’re a bad person; it means you’re like most people. You don’t make an extra effort. That’s the difference between having the kind of society we want and the kind of society we have.

Let’s be Better People

Why do we have this calling toward charity and kindness starting in late November and ending when we switch out the old calendar with the new? What’s it going to take to get more of us to follow it all year?

No wave of a magic wand will make it happen. We each need to decide that we’re going to step up and be the person we want to model for others. Instead of taking the easy way out, ignoring the needs of others or not doing small good deeds, we need to decide that we’re going to make a difference.

I want to wish all of you the absolute best holiday season, and I appreciate every one of you for continuing to read these articles. I hope that they will help you even more in the new year. If there’s any topic you’d like me to tackle in 2020, please let me know. I’d be happy to consider it. Best to you and your family on a safe and happy holiday season.