Thank You 2019: Time for 2020

I remember as a boy hearing my parents and other elders lament over how fast time was passing for them. As a child in school, I felt like the days would never end, especially when Christmas was just around the corner! These days, as an adult and father, I now understand what the older folks were talking about. Where did 2019 go?  

We all must pause in the closing weeks of each year to assess how the previous 365 days treated us and how we treated them. What did we learn, what do we still have to learn and what should we be grateful for?  

While my beautiful wife and amazing children are gifts from God that brighten my every day, I have so many other things to be grateful for, as well. I don’t want this to sound like an Academy Award acceptance speech, but there are several people I feel that I owe a thank you to who helped make 2019 one of the best years of my life.  

First, I want to thank those of you who have read my blogs this year. They are the most effective way for me to reach the widest audience, sharing what I’ve learned from my experience, the experience of others and from research. I feel a deep calling to serve and to help my fellow man, and when you sign-up to receive my blogs and provide feedback, it makes me see that my work is recognized and valued, but more importantly, that I am helping you. I think those things are what anybody hopes out of following their passion, and you have given me all three, so thank you.  

I also want to thank those of you who have continued your coaching sessions with me. Additionally, I’d like to stress how much I admire that you took a chance in 2019 to better your lives for the first time. It’s a brave thing to admit you want to change your life and then actually do it. Most people stand on the sidelines of life, but those who decide to get in the game are the ones who determine the outcome. I have seen so many of you grow in confidence. Watching the various stages that you are all in as you become the people that God intended is an amazing experience from my side of things. It warms my heart to see you blossom as humans, and I am so grateful you’ve allowed me to play a part.  

This year I began focusing more on career coaching as a profession. If you haven’t been looking through my new website, please do. It is updated to be much more visually appealing and user-friendly. I hope you’ll check it out and tell me what you think. Kudos to those who share and comment on my posts, too. I want the website to be interactive, and you’re helping my vision when you share your thoughts. If you’ve not already subscribed to the website, I hope you’ll head over and do so.  

As I look into 2020, I’m excited to announce that my first book will be published this spring, and a training course will follow shortly thereafter. I’ll be making announcements about that as it gets closer. As a website member, you’ll be the first to learn and get access to any new materials I produce in the New Year.  

Again, thank you all for supporting me, even if it’s as simple as a click of the Like button or following the website. I couldn’t do any of this without you. Here is to a healthy and prosperous New Year for you and yours. May you embrace all 2020 has to offer you.