Success Comes From Within – and With the Help of Others


Thankfully, there are plenty of other people like you out there: People who know they are destined for more professionally, but just need that little boost to pull things together and get to the next level. Deciding to follow your calling is one of the most courageous things you can do with your life, but then being successful at it is a different thing.

Not only are there people like you, but there are people who have been successful, radiate positive energy and vibes and are exactly the kind of person you should want to strive to be like. These are the people to surround yourself with. These are the people who, instead of trying to hold you down at their level are going to lift you up to where they currently reside - physically, mentally and spiritually. 

You’re not going to believe how much easier it is to become successful, but to truly live the life you want when you’re being pushed forward, not pulled backward by the naysayers. 

There are three kinds of relationships you can have with other successful people that can help on your journey. 

Networking: These are your acquaintances, casual friends and those you’ve yet to meet. You don’t have to know this group well, but you should ask yourself how they can play a role in your success. What assets do they have that you can leverage and vice versa? Take as many opportunities as you can to grow your circle of acquaintances and friends. This does not mean every person has to know your life story. It just means that you never know when a relationship with someone will prove to be important. 

Mastermind: This is a group of people – usually 5-to-10 – you meet with on a regularly basis who have a similar goal as you. For instance, it could be a group of small business owners, or a group of people in your age group or gender who are all trying to climb the corporate ladder. These groups can easily be found online and are sometimes the best places to feel like you’re not the only person in the world trying to make something of yourself. 

Mentors: These are the teachers. They are the ones who have “made it” and can show you the ropes. Whatever your strategy or path to success, however you define it, they traveled a similar one and can warn you of potential hazards and provide valuable feedback. They’ll not only help you become the best you, but they’ll be an informed cheerleader, who can give you that wise nudge and that informed pat-on-the-back when you need it.

Tapping into your soft assets

YOUR most valuable assets are the soft ones. I call them soft assets because they aren’t tangible, like your bank account or anything you own, but they are more a combination of facets of your personality and speak to who you are at the core. 

When it comes down to making judgement on others, I believe these soft assets are often the areas that most people will remember. 

Are you someone who always keeps their word and is loyal? Do you always exceed your promises? Are you the first to arrive and the last to leave and do you always give 110% regardless of the task at hand? Almost as importantly, do other people see you doing this and respect you for it?  What conclusions do they draw about you?

These are a few of YOUR most valuable soft assets: 

YOUR Reputation YOUR Effort

YOUR Time YOUR Energy

YOUR Opinion YOUR Attention

It’s ironic, as we can only control these things to a degree yet I firmly believe it’s these soft assets upon how we are judged. These valuable assets are not to be given away in haste. Treat them like gold as they are worth so much more than most people understand.

When it’s Time to Leave That Job You Absolutely Love


You’ve got a great job – you actually love it – nice benefits, work with good people, but are still feeling this tug of unfulfillment. You know that it’s time for follow your calling. Enough with measuring risks or budgeting or simply second-guessing yourself. It’s time to stop following the script your parents or spouse or someone else in your family created for you. It’s time to blaze your own path!!

The security-driven side of you says not to listen to the voice that you’re not doing what you want to do, or that somebody else will take care of the situation. But, as you’ve known all along, you’re the person who listens to that voice inside of themselves.

I’ve known people who have left cushy jobs to open their own little shops, go back to school in hope of following a different career path or simply to travel the world. I also look at them and realize they are among the most content and fulfilled people I know.

Leaving what you know can be the scariest thing you’ve done in a long, long, long time. Leaving a world where you’ve established yourself as a professional and take pride in your work is tough.

Saying goodbye is tough. Gianpiero Petrigleri, an associate professor of organizational behavior at INSEAD wrote in the Harvard Business Review: “While you say your heartfelt goodbyes, remember that when you leave a beloved job, there is no need to pack light. Take all you can with you, lest you leave yourself behind.”

While you’re trying to figure out if you should leave your career, for whatever reason, consider the following:

Your History of Following Your Gut – Are you one of those people with good instincts or does everything you touch turn to mush? My guess is the former. What is the universe telling you to do? What feels right?

Expecting the Unexpected – Whether you’re considering leaving to care for an ailing parent or want to open a cupcake shop, your new life will be full of the unknown. Can you rise to the challenge without the security blanket of your corporate life?

Doing What’s Best for You – You get one chance at life and those with regrets seem the least happy in old age. Think about how you’ll feel about your decision to leave your job in 30 or 40 years. Will you look back and think it was a mistake or regardless of the outcome, will you be glad you took a different route?

Value-Added – Is what you’re planning to do next going to make the world a better place? You could knit socks, bake brownies, or coach corporate retreats – and I can make an argument you’re making the world a better place in all three instances. You’ll find that you’re going to go much farther if you feel good about what you bring to the world.

If it was easy to leave a job and live a life where you’re pursuing your calling – and your dreams – everybody would do it. Nobody was born wanting to be the Junior Vice President of Whatever for Whatever Corporation. Most of us just eventually find ourselves in a career and convince our minds it’s what we always wanted. It’s time to start being honest with yourself and start listening to that little voice inside of you that sounds like it’s begging for oxygen when it’s telling you to make a change. Always listen to that voice.

Tired of Your Job? Maybe It’s Time to Try Something New

Tired of Your Job? Maybe It’s Time to Try Something New

Aside from “I wish I could sleep longer,” which I think is true for most of us, have you ever taken a good hard look at your first few thoughts in the morning? A lot of our overall mindset and health can be determined based on the first few things we think about.

I’m not talking about “I’ve got to feed the pets” or “I need to get the kids ready for school.” I’m talking about those thoughts about your life that come from a deeper place. Which one of these people sounds more like you:

On the Job Too Long? Be Wary of Losing Yourself

On the Job Too Long? Be Wary of Losing Yourself

You’ve landed the job of your dreams, or at least the job you think will bring you to the next level of your professional journey. You wake up in the morning, excited to get to work, In the early years, when you see the clock says it’s almost time for you to leave, you wish there was more time because the job fulfills you like few things you’ve experienced. There will be time to have a relationship, start a family, and buy a house in a little while, but for now, you’re all in on this new position and what it will bring to you.

Fulfillment: Sometimes a Paycheck Isn’t Enough

Fulfillment: Sometimes a Paycheck Isn’t Enough

Just a few decades ago, it was common for someone who stayed at the same company to be given a gold watch or some other gift to mark a special anniversary or retirement after 40 or 50 years on the job. However, those ceremonies are getting rarer and rarer as the world continues to change and diversify. While some may think it’s a shame that recognition isn’t the professional norm these days, others know the world offers more opportunity than ever. They also understand that the person who stays at a job they’ve long outgrown just for a paycheck is selling themselves short.

Conquering Your Fear Of The Unknown

Conquering Your Fear Of The Unknown

Depending on the study you look at and how it defines “career,” the majority of people currently employed will work 2–5 careers in their lifetime. At first, I thought that was an exaggeration. Sure, people will have many jobs, but full-fledged careers? And then, I looked back on my life and realized that it is absolutely correct. I’m sitting on career No. 3 right now, and if you’re like me, looking at employment that can support someone full time and has room for growth, you’ll probably work several careers in your lifetime.

Support Your Mental Health: Ask for Help

Support Your Mental Health: Ask for Help

I spend most of my time on this blog encouraging you to recognize the awesome power of the human mind and spirit and to take care of your mental health. Consider how almost limitless life can be by tapping further within yourself. When somebody follows their calling, they don’t let things hold them back. Instead, when they fight for what they want and what they believe in, life can be a magnificent journey. I believe this with all of my heart and have seen it happen not only in my life but in the lives of those who have been my clients. At times, it’s been even more awesome watching someone unlock their potential more than how I felt when I unlocked mine. Once you believe in yourself, the sky is the limit.

Except when it sometimes isn’t.

Covid-19: The New Normal?

Covid-19: The New Normal?

When something as Earth-shattering as the COVID-19 virus happens, everything changes. Even if the actual virus doesn’t touch any of our families and friends, we’re still affected by the changes societies have made, and our world will be different. As we slowly pull out of this pandemic, we’ll have no choice but to live in the world of “The New Normal.”

We hear “The New Normal” a lot right now because people are trying to figure out what their world will look like when the COVID-19 isn’t dominating headlines. However, when we examine what “The New Normal” has become, we find it’s whatever happens in our lives when we wake up that morning.

Hope for Surviving The Unknown

Hope for Surviving The Unknown

It’s the morning (or early afternoon) of January 1, 2020. You probably stayed up to see the ball drop in Times Square or enjoy a New Year’s Eve party with friends or family. The sentiment I got from most people was that 2019 wasn’t the best of times, but it was hardly going to be remembered as the worst either.

Imagine that someone sat you down on December 31, 2019 and said, “In three months, every school, library, restaurant and most stores will be closed. As millions of people lose their jobs, people will wait outside places like Target and Wal-Mart for hours just to buy toilet paper.